European Council Conclusions on China: A New Era for EU-China Relations


In a significant development in EU-China relations, the European Council recently released its conclusions on China on June 30, 2023. The document reflects a strategic shift in the European Union's approach towards China and highlights the increasing concerns and challenges posed by China's policies and practices. This blog post aims to delve into the key takeaways from the European Council's conclusions and analyze the implications for the future of EU-China relations.

Recalibrating the EU's China Policy: The European Council's conclusions emphasize the need for a recalibration of the EU's approach to China. While acknowledging China's importance as a partner, the document underlines the growing divergence of values, interests, and systemic practices between the EU and China. This recognition sets the stage for a more assertive and principled stance by the EU in its dealings with China.

Addressing Systemic Challenges: The European Council unequivocally acknowledges the systemic challenges posed by China, particularly in areas such as human rights, economic practices, cybersecurity, and climate change. The document highlights the EU's commitment to protecting its interests and values while engaging with China on these critical issues. This signals a departure from the previous approach of prioritizing economic cooperation over other concerns.

Human Rights and Democratic Principles: Respecting and promoting human rights, democratic principles, and the rule of law feature prominently in the European Council's conclusions. The EU expresses deep concerns about the human rights situation in China, including the situation in Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, and the erosion of democratic principles in Macao. The document emphasizes the EU's commitment to taking a robust stance on human rights issues and calls for China's cooperation in this regard.

Economic and Trade Relations: The European Council underscores the importance of maintaining a level playing field and reciprocity in economic and trade relations with China. It recognizes the need to address unfair trade practices, market access barriers, and state subsidies that create distortions. The EU aims to engage in constructive dialogue with China to achieve greater reciprocity and market openness.

Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity: The European Council emphasizes the significance of digital transformation and the urgent need to address cybersecurity concerns. It stresses the importance of protecting critical infrastructure, data security, and privacy. The EU aims to work towards establishing a rules-based international order for cyberspace and enhancing cooperation with like-minded partners to counter cyber threats.

Climate Change and Sustainability: Recognizing the global challenge of climate change, the European Council seeks enhanced cooperation with China on this crucial issue. It emphasizes the need for China to align its climate policies with the goals of the Paris Agreement, strengthen its commitments, and ensure a just transition. The EU aims to work closely with China to address environmental issues, promote green technologies, and achieve a sustainable future.

Conclusion: The European Council's conclusions on China mark a significant shift in the EU's approach towards its engagement with the country. The document reflects a more assertive and principled stance by the EU, underpinned by concerns over human rights, democratic principles, economic fairness, cybersecurity, and climate change. By recalibrating its China policy, the EU seeks to protect its interests, values, and security while engaging with China on critical issues. The implications of these conclusions will be crucial in shaping the future trajectory of EU-China relations and the broader global landscape. As the EU navigates this complex relationship, it will require a delicate balance of dialogue, cooperation, and principled action to advance its interests and promote a rules-based international order.
